Form1 Iraqi Missile Form1 Picture1 Command1 Show SCUD! Command2 Hide SCUD! Label1 3Click the MICOM logo to blow away the SCUD program! Picture2 TenSecondClock HSPTimer Label2 Click on the SCUD! Picture1_Click^ BoxReply SecondClock_Timer Form_Click Caption Window Form1' TenSecondClock_Timer @ Form_Load IgnoreClicks IgnoreHits IgnoreSaddamHits Picture1D Visible TenSecondTimer Enabled TenSecondClock Picture2_Click Command1_Click Label2 Command1< Command2_Click Command2 HSPTimer_Timer HSPTimer BackColor Picture2D Label1O IgnoreScudHits Picture4_Click Label2_Click PictureLibrary Loado Picture PictureScud PictureSaddam PictureNuke Form2 Form_Unload Cancel Click TrashBurning TrashOut Trash Picture1_Click Don't hit my Scuds!" I've had enough! A Message from Saddam... TenSecondClock_Timer Iraqi Missile" Busted SCUD! Iraqi Missile" Form_Load Brought to you by" Microsoft Visual Basic and US Army MICOM Friends! (We're the PATRIOT People!)" Thank You, Desert Storm! Picture2_Click SCUD blown from the face of the earth! Bye, Bye SCUD! Command1_Click Command2_Click Hide SCUD! HSPTimer_Timer Hide SCUD! USAF ATTACK! Hide SCUD! Form_Unload